| PolygonCollider (List< PointF > vertices) |
| PolygonCollider (List< PointF > vertices, bool debugged) |
| PolygonCollider (List< PointF > vertices, string collisionLayer, bool debugged=false) |
| PolygonCollider (List< PointF > vertices, Vector2 offset, string collisionLayer, bool debugged=false) |
| PolygonCollider (List< PointF > vertices, Vector2 offset, bool debugged=false) |
override void | CalculateAABB () |
| Looks through all transformed vertices and finds the minimum and maximum bounding points.
override void | SolveCollision (PolygonCollider other, Vector2 velocity) |
| First checks if AABBs are overlapping before proceeding Then will do some stuff and resolve the collision.
override void | SolveCollision (CircleCollider other, Vector2 velocity) |
override bool | PointInsideCollider (PointF point) |
List< PointF > | GetVertices () |
| Get all vertices of this polygon collider, translated and rotated to the correct world position.
override void | DrawDebug () |
| Draws the Polygon onto the provided SpriteBatch.
delegate void | TriggerEvent (Collider collidedWith) |
delegate void | CollisionEvent (Collider collidedWith) |
| Collider (Vector2 offset, string layer, bool debug) |
| Collider (string layer, bool debug) |
| Collider (bool debug) |
| Collider (Vector2 offset, bool debug) |
void | updatePosition (float dt) |
void | SetVelocity (Vector2 externalVelocity) |
void | accelerate (Vector2 acc) |
Vector2 | GetOldPosition () |
Vector2 | GetLocalNodePosition () |
| Gets local position from the node as a Vector2 This method is used for velocity.
Vector2 | GetGlobalColliderPosition () |
| Gets global position from the node as a Vector2 This method is used for collision detection.
void | SetNodePosition (Vector2 position) |
| Sets the position of the Node.
Vector2 | GetOffset () |
void | SetOffset (Vector2 offset) |
float | GetRotation () |
void | SetRotation (float r) |
AABB | GetAABB () |
void | SetStatic (bool b) |
bool | IsStatic () |
void | SetTrigger (bool b) |
bool | IsTrigger () |
void | SetLayer (string layer) |
string | GetLayer () |
bool | IsAABBOverlapping () |
void | SetAABBOverlapping (bool b) |
void | SetAllowedCollisionLayers (List< string > layers) |
| Pass in a list of layers with which this collider should be able to collide with.
List< string > | GetAllowedCollisionLayers () |
void | SolveCollisions (List< Collider > others) |
void | SolveCollision (Collider other, Vector2 velocity) |
void | SolveCollision (PolygonCollider other, Vector2 velocity) |
void | SolveCollision (CircleCollider other, Vector2 velocity) |
bool | PointInsideCollider (PointF point) |
void | CalculateAABB () |
| Each subclass will have its own method of calculating its AABB.
override void | SetEnabled (bool state) |
int | CompareTo (Behaviour? other) |
delegate void | EnabledChanged (bool state) |
bool | HasTag (string tag) |
override void | OnAwake () |
override void | OnStart () |
override void | OnDestroy () |
override void | OnUpdate (GameTime gameTime) |
void | SetAABB (AABB aabb) |
void | FireCorrectEvent (Vector2 collisionVector, Collider other) |
void | FireTriggerEnter (Vector2 collisionVector, Collider other) |
void | FireCollisionEnter (Vector2 collisionVector, Collider other) |
virtual void | OnFixedUpdate (GameTime gameTime) |
ICollisionSystem | collisionSystem |
readonly uint | InstanceID |
readonly HashSet< string > | Tags = new() |
bool | Debug = false [get, set] |
float | VelocityDampingMultiplier = 1 [get, set] |
Vector2 | Velocity [get, set] |
Game | Game [get, set] |
Node? | Node [get, set] |
bool | Enabled = true [get] |
string | Name = "Generic Object" [get, protected set] |
TriggerEvent? | OnTriggerEnter |
CollisionEvent? | OnCollisionEnter |
EnabledChanged? | EnabledChangedEvent |